Shangri-la originate from James Hilton's novel, The Lost Horizon in 1933, which was a fictional hidden paradise whose inhabitants lived for centuries. Hilton, who never went to China located his Shangri-la in the Kunlun mountains. However, elements of his story were apparently inspired by the National Geographic articles about various places in eastern Tibet (including Zhongdian). Shangri-la county was presently situated in Yunnan Province, China. The town is spilt between Tibetan and ethnic Han residents, as well as a fair smattering of Naxi, Bai, Yi and Lisu, with the surrounding countryside entirely Tibetan. We bidded goodbye to the wonderful Tea Boutique Inn in Lijiang and travelled for 4hrs towards Shangri-la. Along the way, the mountainous view as spectacular but definitely not for the faint-hearted for there were much turning on the steep slopes. We travelled in this tiny car Deep mountainous view to Shangri-la 1. Yang-Tze Riv...